Pasqualina Taapken

Pasqualina at a tea store entrance

Pasqualina Taapken

My name is Pasqualina Taapken and my company is called Teastation, which is located in Hasselt, Belgium.

Teastation came upon my path a little over 3 years ago. I never imagined owning a store in a bustling city center, but here I am, proud teashop-owner since 2018. Better still: we will be opening our second store in Belgium in April 2022!

Tea has always been a part of my life; from a very young age we used to drink herbal infusions and tea blends. But the true finesse, the variations and the versatility of pure leaves I did not discover until much later.
At Teastation we attempt to offer tea for every type of customer. We love the sweet ladies who come to us for their daily herbal infusions, but the real challenge and satisfaction is with the tea lovers who seek speciality teas, like the tiny batch of Ya Shi Xiang, or the fresh Anji Bai Cha that just arrived. Those bring the vivid freshness of green tea to our shelves and cups.
I love to share my knowledge with other people, enjoy brewing a perfect cup for my customers. The expression on their faces when they taste a truly fresh green tea is my biggest pleasure, especially when they just said that they do not really like green tea. I also teach teasommelier classes. Teaching and learning about tea go hand in hand and the more I learn, the more I realize that there is so much more to discover still. As several clients have asked me to assist them in choosing the right teas for their food, I decided to focus on tea and food pairing this year.

To me, it is important to share as much knowledge about tea as possible with the world, that is why I am happy to be a member of ESTA.

Pasqualina Taapken - Teastation