A group of people tasting tea

International Tea and Coffee Academy is a Dutch training provider in the field of tea, coffee and cocoa. Once started as a hobby of Richard Schukkink, we have grown to an academy teaching our students and customers everything about the beautiful products of nature.

Besides training dozens of students in our Tea sommeliers programs, Master Barista programs and Roast Master program, we also advise companies that are active in the coffee and tea market: from corporate training to specialised consultancy.

We are always searching for knowledge to share. That is why we frequently visit the countries of origin. Besides enjoying the locations, we also help farmers and producers to get the best out of their products. We incorporate these experiences in our teaching materials to make our story as authentic as possible. We think it is important to transfer knowledge but working with the products yourself is just as important. During our classes, our students make, smell and taste lots of tea, coffee and cocoa, experiment with combinations and methods until they truly understand how to get to best in their cup.

 We are pleased to be a member of the European Speciality Tea Association and look forward to promoting speciality tea further in the future.
